Cycle Friendly Hotels

New Website, New Content, Even More Cycle Friendly

Firstly, we want to start by wishing you a Happy New Year 2022!

Life has been somewhat more challenging in the last couple of years, but one positive thing to come out of the Covid-19 pandemic is the significant increase in the numbers of people getting out on their bicycles, exploring the world around them and getting closer to nature.

More and more people are choosing to cycle, be it commuting to school or work, getting out and enjoying more leisurely rides in their local area or venturing further afield and we think this is great (we do love our cycling so perhaps we are a little bias here).

We’ve seen this growing interest in cycling for ourselves, with significant increases in the number of people looking for cycle friendly accommodation in many countries around the world. Because of this, we’ve used some of the ‘extra’ time during lockdown to get back to basics and completely rebuild from the ground up. Here are some of the highlights:

  • A whole new website design focused on making the site faster and more user friendly
  • We reviewed every cycle friendly property listed in detail, adding even more helpful information and removing properties that have closed down or that have changed their cycle friendly policies
  • We’ve added a new cycle routes feature, to help users find cycle friendly accommodation on or around a particular cycle route (with more routes being added each month)
  • Finally, and most importantly, we’ve added even more cycle friendly accommodation listings in more destinations and in more countries around the world with many more new cycle friendly hotels options coming soon.

Cycling is our passion and we hope the work we have done on our new website has made it even easier for us all to get out on our bikes, explore new areas and learn more about the world around us.

🚲 Keep pedaling and staying at cycle friendly hotels 😀

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December 30, 2015 - In Updates

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